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Tenses Quiz

Mixed Tenses

Test Your Tense Knowledge with Our Fun and Engaging Tense Quiz.


Future Progressive Tenses Quiz

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: a) I will be cooking dinner at 7 PM. The future progressive tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future.

What is the correct future progressive form of the verb "eat"?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: b) will be eating. The future progressive form of a verb is formed by using "will be" + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense incorrectly?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: c) We will be played basketball at the park. The correct sentence would be "We will be playing basketball at the park." The future progressive tense is formed by using "will be" + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: a) She will be studying for her exam all night. The future progressive tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future.

What is the correct future progressive form of the verb "run"?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: b) will be running. The future progressive form of a verb is formed by using "will be" + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense incorrectly?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: c) We will be watched a movie at the cinema. The correct sentence would be "We will be watching a movie at the cinema." The future progressive tense is formed by using "will be" + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: a) We will be hiking in the mountains next weekend. The future progressive tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future.

What is the correct future progressive form of the verb "swim"?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: b) will be swimming. The future progressive form of a verb is formed by using "will be" + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense incorrectly?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: c) We will be watched a play at the theater.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Correct answer: a) He will be driving to work tomorrow morning. The future progressive tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future.

Future Progressive Tense

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Which sentence uses the future progressive tense correctly?

a) I will be cooking dinner at 7 PM.
b) I have been cooking dinner for an hour.
c) I am cooking dinner right now.
Correct answer: a) I will be cooking dinner at 7 PM. The future progressive tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future.

What is the correct future progressive form of the verb “eat”?

a) will eating
b) will be eating
c) will have eaten
Correct answer: b) will be eating. The future progressive form of a verb is formed by using “will be” + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense incorrectly?

a) I will be sleeping when you arrive.
b) They will be working all day tomorrow.
c) We will be played basketball at the park.
Correct answer: c) We will be played basketball at the park. The correct sentence would be “We will be playing basketball at the park.” The future progressive tense is formed by using “will be” + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense correctly?

a) She will be studying for her exam all night.
b) He has been studying for his exam all night.
c) They are studying for their exam right now.
Correct answer: a) She will be studying for her exam all night. The future progressive tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future.

What is the correct future progressive form of the verb “run”?

a) will running
b) will be running
c) will have run
Correct answer: b) will be running. The future progressive form of a verb is formed by using “will be” + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense incorrectly?

a) I will be watching TV when she calls.
b) They will be taking a walk in the park tomorrow.
c) We will be watched a movie at the cinema.
Correct answer: c) We will be watched a movie at the cinema. The correct sentence would be “We will be watching a movie at the cinema.” The future progressive tense is formed by using ” will be” + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense correctly?

a) We will be hiking in the mountains next weekend.
b) They have been hiking in the mountains for hours.
c) She is hiking in the mountains right now.
Correct answer: a) We will be hiking in the mountains next weekend. The future progressive tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future.

What is the correct future progressive form of the verb “swim”?

a) will swimming
b) will be swimming
c) will have swum
Correct answer: b) will be swimming. The future progressive form of a verb is formed by using “will be” + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense incorrectly?

a) They will be traveling to Europe next year.
b) She will be playing tennis tomorrow morning.
c) We will be watched a play at the theater.
Correct answer: c) We will be watched a play at the theater. The correct sentence would be “We will be watching a play at the theater.” The future progressive tense is formed by using “will be” + the present participle of the verb.

Which sentence uses the future progressive tense correctly?

a) He will be driving to work tomorrow morning.
b) She has been driving for an hour.
c) They are driving to the beach right now.
Correct answer: a) He will be driving to work tomorrow morning. The future progressive tense is used to describe an action that will be in progress at a specific point in the future.

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