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Punctuations Quiz

Comma Rules Spellings

Test Your Punctuation Knowledge with Our Fun and Engaging Punctuations Quiz.


Comma Rules Quiz

Which of the following sentences uses a comma correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: a) The comma correctly separates the list items.

Which sentence has correct punctuation?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Which of the following sentences uses a comma correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the list items.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Which of the following sentences uses a comma correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the appositive phrase.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the list items.

Which sentence has correct punctuation?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: a) No comma is needed in this sentence.

Which of the following sentences uses a comma correctly?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Which sentence has correct punctuation?

Correct! Wrong!

Answer: a) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Comma Rules

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Which of the following sentences uses a comma correctly?

a) I want to go to the park but I have to finish my homework.
b) I want to go to the park, but I have to finish my homework.
c) I want to go to the park but, I have to finish my homework.
Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a) He bought apples, bananas, and oranges at the store.
b) He bought apples, bananas and oranges, at the store.
c) He bought, apples bananas and oranges at the store.
Answer: a) The comma correctly separates the list items.

Which sentence has correct punctuation?

a) The dog ran, to the park and chased the ball.
b) The dog ran to the park, and chased the ball.
c) The dog ran to the park and chased, the ball.
Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Which of the following sentences uses a comma correctly?

a) She loves swimming hiking and camping.
b) She loves swimming, hiking, and camping.
c) She loves swimming hiking, and camping.
Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the list items.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a) The concert was amazing we had a great time.
b) The concert was amazing, we had a great time.
c) The concert was amazing we had, a great time.
Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Which of the following sentences uses a comma correctly?

a) The book was written by Mark Twain a famous author.
b) The book was written by Mark Twain, a famous author.
c) The book was written by Mark Twain a famous, author.
Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the appositive phrase.

Which sentence is punctuated correctly?

a) My favorite colors are blue green and red.
b) My favorite colors are blue, green, and red.
c) My favorite colors are blue, green and red.
Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the list items.

Which sentence has correct punctuation?

a) I want to go to the beach because it’s sunny outside.
b) I want to go to the beach, because it’s sunny outside.
c) I want to go to the beach because, it’s sunny outside.
Answer: a) No comma is needed in this sentence.

Which of the following sentences uses a comma correctly?

a) The movie was long but it was really good.
b) The movie was long, but it was really good.
c) The movie was long but, it was really good.
Answer: b) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

Which sentence has correct punctuation?

a) He didn’t want to go to the party, but he went anyway.
b) He didn’t want to go to the party but, he went anyway.
c) He didn’t want to go to the party but he went anyway.
Answer: a) The comma correctly separates the independent clauses.

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