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Adjectives Quiz

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Test Your Adjective Knowledge with Our Fun and Engaging Adjectives Quiz.


What is a Comparative Adjective? Examples & Usage | Tips and Tricks

Explanation of Comparative Adjectives

A comparative adjective is a type of adjective that is used to compare two or more things, people, or ideas. It is usually formed by adding “-er” to the end of a one-syllable adjective, or by adding “more” before a longer adjective. For example, “tall” becomes “taller,” and “beautiful” becomes “more beautiful.”

Table of Comparative Adjectives

Usage of Comparative Adjective

Comparing Two Things

John is taller than Mary.
This cake is sweeter than that one.
My car is faster than your car.

Comparing More Than Two Things

This is the tallest building in the city.
She is the most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.
That was the best movie I’ve ever watched.

Example in Simple Sentences

My dog is bigger than your dog.
Mary is smarter than John.
The new car is faster than the old one.

Example in Complicated Sentences

Despite being smaller in size, the cat is faster than the dog.
Although he is younger, Jack is taller than his brother.
Even though the house is more expensive, it is also more spacious.

Tips and Tricks for Using Comparative Adjective

Use “-er” for one-syllable adjectives and “more” for longer adjectives.
Be careful with irregular comparatives (e.g., good – better, bad – worse).
Avoid using comparatives when you are making absolute statements (e.g., “This is the most perfect cake ever!”)
Use comparatives to make your writing more vivid and descriptive.

Using Comparative Adjective in Writing

The new laptop is faster than the old one, making it ideal for multitasking.
The blue dress looks more elegant than the red one, which is better suited for casual occasions.
The historical novel is more intriguing than the science-fiction book, which lacks character development.

Using Comparative Adjective in Speech

I prefer coffee over tea because it is stronger.
The new restaurant is better than the old one because the food is fresher.
I find the beach more relaxing than the mountains because of the calming sound of the waves.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Using “more” and “-er” together (e.g., more better).
Using comparatives to make absolute statements (e.g., “This is the most perfect cake ever!”)
Confusing comparatives with superlatives (e.g., using “most” instead of “-est” or “best”).

Correct: The Eiffel Tower is taller than the Statue of Liberty.
Explanation: This sentence uses the comparative adjective “taller” to compare the height of the Eiffel Tower and the Statue of Liberty. It is correct because it follows the standard comparative adjective pattern, which is adjective + “-er” + “than.”

Incorrect: The sun is more hot than the moon.
EExplanation: This sentence is incorrect because it uses the comparative adjective “more hot,” which violates the standard comparative adjective pattern. The correct comparative adjective form of “hot” is “hotter.” Therefore, the correct sentence would be “The sun is hotter than the moon.”

Short Sentence Examples of Comparative Adjective

I’m not arguing. I’m just explaining why I’m righter than you.
I’m not short. I’m just more concentrated awesome.
I’m not lazy. I’m just conserving my energy for more important things.

FAQs about Comparative Adjectives

For one-syllable adjectives, add “-er” at the end. For longer adjectives, add “more” before the adjective.
No, superlative adjectives are used to compare more than two things, while comparatives are used to compare only two things.
Understanding comparative adjectives is essential in making comparisons, expressing opinions, and enhancing your writing and speech.

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