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What is Future Perfect Tense? | Examples, Tip & Trick & PDF


Understanding verb tenses is essential to communicating effectively in English. The future perfect tense is one of the twelve verb tenses in English, and it is used to describe an action that will be completed at some point in the future. In this article, we will discuss the meaning and usage of the future perfect tense and provide examples to help you understand it better.

Explanation of Future Perfect Tense

The future perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verb “will” + “have” + the past participle of the main verb. For example, “By this time tomorrow, I will have finished my work.” In this sentence, “will have finished” is the future perfect tense of the verb “finish.”
The future perfect tense is used to describe an action that will be completed by a specific time in the future. It is often used with time expressions such as “by,” “by the time,” “before,” and “by then.”

Table of Future Perfect Tense

Usage of Future Perfect Tense

By the time she arrives, we will have finished dinner.
I will have completed the project by next week.
By the end of the day, I will have driven 500 miles.

Example in Simple Sentences

I have been playing football for five years.
She has been studying for her exams for a month.
They have been cooking dinner for an hour.

Example in Complicated Sentences

By the time we arrive in New York, the sun will have set, and the city will be lit up with millions of lights.
If we don’t finish the project by the end of the day, we will have to work on it over the weekend.
After she finishes her shift at the hospital, she will have been working for 16 hours straight.

Tips and Tricks for Using Future Perfect Tense

Use time expressions like “by,” “by the time,” and “before” to indicate when the action will be completed.
Use the future perfect tense when you want to emphasize that the action will be completed by a specific time in the future.
Use the future perfect continuous tense to describe an action that will be in progress up to a specific time in the future.

Using Future Perfect Tense in Writing

The future perfect tense is commonly used in writing to communicate specific information about future events. It is often used in business writing to set deadlines and make plans. Here’s an example:
“By the end of the month, we will have completed the market research and will be ready to launch the new product.”

Using Future Perfect Tense in Speech

The future perfect tense is also used in speech to communicate specific information about future events. It is often used in conversations with friends and family to make plans and set deadlines. Here’s an example:
“I will have finished my book by the end of the summer, and I can’t wait for you to read it.

Common Mistakes to Avoid

Confusing the future perfect tense with the present perfect tense. The present perfect tense is used to describe actions that started in the past and continue up to the present, while the future perfect tense is used to describe actions that will be completed by a specific time in the future.
Forgetting to use the auxiliary verb “will” and “have.” The future perfect tense is formed with the auxiliary verb “will” and “have” followed by the past participle of the main verb.
Misusing time expressions. It is essential to use time expressions correctly when using the future perfect tense. For example, using “after” instead of “by” can change the meaning of the sentence.

Correct: By the time we arrive, the cake will have been baked for 30 minutes.
Explanation: Explanation: This sentence is correct because it uses the future perfect tense to describe an action that will be completed by a specific time in the future.

Incorrect: By the time we arrive, the cake has been baked for 30 minutes.
 Explanation: This sentence is incorrect because it uses the present perfect tense instead of the future perfect tense. The present perfect tense describes actions that started in the past and continues up to the present.

Short Sentence Examples of Future Perfect Tense

By the time I finish this article, I will have consumed three cups of coffee.
By the time we reach the top of the mountain, we will have lost all feeling in our legs.
By the time I graduate, I will have spent more time in school than out of it.

FAQs About Future Perfect Tense

Yes, the future perfect tense can be used in the passive voice by using the auxiliary verb “will” + “have been” + the past participle of the main verb + “by” + the agent (if known).
Yes, a time expression is required when using the future perfect tense to indicate the time by which the action will be completed.
The future perfect tense describes actions that will be completed by a specific time in the future, while the future continuous tense describes actions that will be in progress at a specific time in the future.

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