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Prepositions Quiz

Mixed Prepositions

Test Your Preposition Knowledge with Our Fun and Engaging Prepositions Quiz.


Time Prepositions Quiz

She arrived _______ the party at 8 p.m.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: A (at) Explanation: "At" is used for specific times, such as 8 p.m.

The concert starts _______ 7:30 p.m.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: A (at) Explanation: "At" is used for specific times, such as 7:30 p.m.

I will be back _______ an hour.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: C (in) Explanation: "In" is used for a duration of time, such as an hour.

They have been married _______ five years.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: C (for) Explanation: "For" is used for a length of time, such as five years.

He finished the project _______ time.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: B (on) Explanation: "On" is used for a specific deadline or target time.

They usually go to bed _______ midnight.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: A (at) Explanation: "At" is used for specific times, such as midnight.

I have an appointment _______ 10 a.m. tomorrow.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: A (at) Explanation: "At" is used for specific times, such as 10 a.m.

The train will arrive _______ 8 p.m.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: B (on) Explanation: "On" is used for a specific deadline or target time.

She has been studying English _______ two years.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: C (for) Explanation: "For" is used for a length of time, such as two years.

I will see you _______ Friday.

Correct! Wrong!

Correct Answer: B (on) Explanation: "On" is used for specific days, such as Friday.

Time Preposition

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Time Prepositions Q & A

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When does your flight depart _____ London Heathrow Airport?

a) at
b) in
c) on
Answer: c) on. “On” is used to refer to specific days and dates.

I’ll be back _____ a few minutes.

a) in
b) at
c) on
Answer: a) in. “In” is used to refer to a duration of time.

She is coming _____ Christmas.

a) in
b) at
c) on
Answer: c) on. “On” is used to refer to specific days and dates.

I was born _____ 1985.

a) in
b) at
c) on
Answer: a) in. “In” is used to refer to a specific year or period of time.

The party starts _____ 9:00 PM.

a) in
b) at
c) on
Answer: b) at. “At” is used to refer to specific times.

The cat is hiding _____ the couch.

a) under
b) over
c) beside
Answer: a) under. “Under” is used to refer to a position below something.

She lives _____ the street from me.

a) across
b) through
c) on
Answer: c) on. “On” is used to refer to a surface or a position.

The hotel is located _____ the beach.

a) near
b) beside
c) above
Answer: a) near. “Near” is used to refer to a position close to something.

The book is _____ the table.

a) in
b) on
c) at
Answer: b) on. “On” is used to refer to a position above something.

The museum is _____ the city center.

a) in
b) on
c) at
Answer: a) in. “In” is used to refer to a position inside something.

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